Roshni Ghar Self Referral Form

Please note that Roshni Ghar is a support service. If you are in crisis please:
  • Call your local emergency services – 999 and speak to the police or ask for an ambulance.
  • Go to any hospital A&E department and ask for help.
  • Call the First Response Team 0800 952 1181 who can link you to a ‘Safe Space’ to stay overnight if you need this service.
  • Call ChildLine on 0800 11111
  • Call Samaritans free helpline on 116 123
  • Call Samaritans helpline (charged) 08457 909090
Details of the Roshni Ghar Data Protection Policy can be found here: Data Protection Policy.
Our data protection policy provides more details about how we store the information that you share with us on your behalf.

An asterisk (*) indicates an essential piece of information in the form below. Please complete these and as many other sections as you can. Thank you

Consent to share with other Organisations